Shaping The Future

Strategy| Foresight | Innovation | Business Development

Shaping The Future

Strategy| Foresight | Innovation | Business Development





Future Trends

As the population numbers are increasing in the world, will fresh drinking water be sufficient for this population, or will we suffer in the coming years from a shortage of drinking water? Did you also know that stock markets have reached high levels, and will they be sustainable? What is the reason for this and what does this have to do with the topic of future foresight...

Strategic Foresight

(“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Eleanor Roosevelt) The future belongs to everyone who prepares for it and contributes to its planning and design. Its challenges,...

Implementing Strategic Foresight applications

خلال مقابلتي الأخيرة مع “انتونيو الفارينغا”، المستشار الدولي، والأستاذ الجامعي، والبحث في ما تكلمنا، حول أفضل الممارسات التي يمكننا اتباعها لتطبيق استشراف المستقبل في المؤسسة التي نعمل بها، حيث أشار أنه يجب علينا : تحضير التحدي؛ أي أن يكون لدينا موضوع واضح نريد...