Become a Futurist
Future studies course
With Professor Suhail Inayatullah
you welcome in Become a Futurist
In difficult times, thinking about the future can be overwhelming. Where most of us can only imagine the future we know; Through an experience we have had before in real life or through movies. We often assume that the future of work will continue as usual, but when we are faced with sudden changes it is often too late, because we lack the skills and means to respond effectively, or we do not have a compelling vision for the future going forward. In other words: we are unable to adapt or create
Be the Futurist embraces change before disruption and surprises occur, as the Futurist expands what is possible by exploring alternative and preferred futures in a creative and participatory way. In essence, the futurist uses the future to change the present, to solve tomorrow's problems today. These are the leadership skills you will learn in this Become a Futurist course with the global expert Suhail Inayatullah.
Join us on a journey through the world of futurism, as we share with you our experience working as futurists. Ultimately we will provide you with an understanding of future studies and you will be on your way to becoming a future pioneer and a more flexible and capable leader.