“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
The future belongs to everyone who prepares for it and contributes to its planning and design, and it is a pajama that he prepares as an image of the past, and it cannot be mined. Weren't these companies sometimes spreading the results of this article?
?What is the future
Before we get to know the concept of the future, most of the videos that appeared in abundance must have been talking about the future of the world. For example, if you open YouTube, you will find a video that talks about the future of the world after Covid-19, or the future of jobs after the era of automation and artificial intelligence.
The future is an upcoming time that has not happened yet, but it will undoubtedly happen, but information about the future is still lacking despite the availability of some books and predictions. For example, what is the future of network security after the development of artificial intelligence and quantum computing technology? Our view of the future varies based on people's opinions. There are those who consider the future to be a linear time, meaning that events follow and follow, and there are civilizations such as the Inca civilization that consider the future to be a cyclical time. But what is adopted is that the future is a linear time?
Can we predict the future?
"We can't predict the future, but we can actually prepare for the future."
The future is not astrology, but rather it is based on a scientific methodology that depends on the availability of the basic ingredients that are represented in a comprehensive understanding of future prospects. Nostradamus who published a book called The Predictions, where he predicted many events that would happen in the future. Some of them are attributed to him as having predicted the Great Fire of London, and the events that would take place at the hands of Hitler. Many of the predictions that appeared in the book did not happen or were wrong, and even the events attributed to him that he foretold can be interpreted, analyzed and applied to many other events.
VUCA World
VUCA is a term that appeared at the end of the twentieth century among researchers in the military and civilian sectors. It is a term taken from the first letters of four English words, Volatility, Uncertainty, Ambiguity, and Complexity, and are used to express working in an environment that is difficult to control because it is characterized by these four qualities.
! Looking into the future
There are several ways to think about the future:
The future is divided in terms of time or horizon into three sections: the near future, the medium future, and the distant future. This division is the most used in most strategies related to the future.
The future is divided based on people's views of how events will develop in the future. There is what is known as the preferred or possible future, and there is what is known as the probable future, which is what strategic planning studies are concerned with.
?What are the signs and future trends
Future Signals
“.The future is there, but it is not evenly distributed”
The meaning of this famous saying is that what the future will be of services, there are inventions in it in many places in the world, but they have not spread widely, and will develop in the future to affect large numbers of people.
Future signals are the events and inventions that spread all over the world, and the importance of these signals lies in expanding our vision of the events that exist in the present time, and how they can develop in the future, and these events are not limited to a particular field but include all areas of our lives. An example is a ride-sharing company Tupper, which when it emerged in the United States signaled the future of transportation. There are many ride-sharing companies such as Lift, Careem, and Uber that have greatly affected existing industries such as the transportation industry and the employees who work for it. If we look at an emerging company in the United States that provides its services in a new way, this will constitute a future direction for the sector in which it operates.
Future Trends
There are three types of future trends depending on their size and scope of influence.
:Mega trend
These trends are large and include all social, economic, and other fields, and their impact extends for long periods of time and affects globally. Examples include climate change, migration to urban areas, and the growth of large cities.
:Macro trends
They are major changes that affect a specific trend and do not affect the entire world, and their time scale extends from 5-10 years. An example of a major trend is cybercrime.
:Micro trends
They are signals based on a major trend that may occur, are limited to a specific consumer market, and have a range of impact from 3-5 years. An example of micro-trends is the bicycle culture.
?What is meant by the science of foreseeing the future
Looking ahead is one of the new trends that have emerged recently because it aims to develop possibilities and expectations and predict appropriate solutions to meet problems and challenges. What is meant by the science of foreseeing the future?
Foresight is the science that employs tools that help us as countries, institutions, or individuals to identify future opportunities and challenges to know the extent of their impact on us, and thus enable us to develop innovative solutions and initiatives that help us generate alternatives through which we deal with these developments, challenges, and opportunities.
There are three main stages agreed upon by all countries, and they are as follows:
The stage of exploring future signals and directions; Or what is known as sensing or
foresight, through which the vision of what may happen around us is expanded?
The stage of analysis or building future visions or what is known as planning, and this
the stage is based on what was sensed in the previous stage?
The stage of action, which is agreed upon by all, through which action plans and
initiatives that help us deal with and future directions are built.
What are the reasons that lead to the failure of companies?
For example: When Apple's first iPhone was introduced, the CEO of a rival company announced that no one wanted a $700 mobile phone, but that phone is now one of the best-selling mobile devices in the world. The failure of large organizations to explore future trends will result in them losing opportunities for growth and development and will stop working and close due to the emergence of competitors that provide services and products of higher quality than this company.
Therefore, a clear plan for all entities to keep pace with the developments taking place around us is crucial. This is what Shell has been keen on, as it has established a team specialized in foreseeing the future, to follow up and analyze developments and develop appropriate action plans to lead the organization so that they are ready for the future. For example, when the oil crisis occurred in 1973, Shell was one of the least affected companies because it was prepared for that day. Also, an important study was issued on companies in the European Union in 2018, which rely on future foresight methodologies compared to those that do not, where they found that there is a 33% increase in profitability for institutions that rely on these methodologies. For example, at the national level, Singapore is one of the countries that has most developed these methods and has made it one of the pillars of the annual review of the government strategy. The United Arab Emirates has adopted a strategy for the future since 2016, and has identified important sectors for the future, such as the energy sector, health, and others.
:Sources for future developments
Therefore, a clear plan for all entities to keep pace with the developments taking place around us is crucial. This is what Shell has been keen on, as it has established a team specialized in foreseeing the future, to follow up and analyze developments and develop appropriate action plans to lead the organization so that they are ready for the future.
For example, when the oil crisis occurred in 1973, Shell was one of the least affected companies because it was prepared for that day. Also, an important study was issued on companies in the European Union in 2018, which rely on future foresight methodologies compared to those that do not, where they found that there is a 33% increase in profitability for institutions that rely on these methodologies. For example, at the national level, Singapore is one of the countries that has most developed these methods and has made it one of the pillars of the annual review of the government strategy. The United Arab Emirates has adopted a strategy for the future since 2016, and has identified important sectors for the future, such as the energy sector, health, and others.
The above can be applied to the previously mentioned stages as follows:
In the exploration phase, we can apply horizontal scanning.
In the analysis and scenario building phase, we can apply the future scenario building tool.
At the implementation stage, we can use road-mapping tools.
:Sources for future developments
There are many important sources that can be consulted to learn about future developments, such as: The Future Observatory, an initiative of the Dubai Future Foundation, and it monitors the latest future developments in many fields. also, the “Ibtikr” platform, which is affiliated with the Mohammed bin Rashid Center for Innovation.
Finally, our uncertainty about what these events are, and when they will occur? What is its shape, size and scope of influence? Which leads us to delve into the details of this topic. Where the concept of the future has clearly developed with the development of human thought, from the perspective of seeing the future as an inevitable fate, which cannot be bypassed in any way, to a principle-based perspective. The ability to become and renew in life, to see a time dimension that the image can control in the future.
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