Airplane Mode! 

Flight attendants often request passengers to activate flight mode on their cell phones shortly before takeoff or landing. But what is the reason for this request? According to a report from Al Hurra, based on CNN, radio services that support air navigation and communications have been coordinated since the 1920s to minimize interference.

However, the digital technology used today is more advanced than the older analog technology that was being used 60 years ago. Research has indicated that personal electronic devices can transmit signals within the same frequency range as an aircraft's navigation and communication systems, leading to "electromagnetic interference." In 1992, the US Federal Aviation Administration and Boeing conducted an investigation into the risks of using electronic devices while flying.

They concluded that computers and other personal electronic devices do not pose any risks during non-critical phases of a flight. However, takeoffs and landings are considered "critical phases," and this is why cell phones should be turned to flight mode during these times. The US Federal Communications Commission has created frequency bands reserved for specific uses, such as cell phones, aircraft navigation, and communication, to avoid interference with each other. Governments around the world have implemented similar policies to prevent interference problems with aviation.

Despite global standards, the aviation industry still prohibits the use of cell phones, with one concern being "terrestrial interference." Wireless networks are connected through a series of towers, and if passengers on flights flying over these ground networks are all using their phones, the networks can become overburdened.

The biggest change in recent years in mobile networks is the transition to the new standard related to the existing 5G wireless networks. The bandwidth of the fifth-generation network is much closer to that used in the aviation industry, and this means it can cause interference with navigation systems close to airports that aid in landing the plane.

To prevent interference problems with aviation, governments around the world have put policies in place, and the US Federal Communications Commission has reserved frequency bands for specific uses. Even though personal electronic devices do not pose risks during non-critical phases of a flight, it is important to comply with flight attendants' requests and activate flight mode during takeoff and landing.

In conclusion, activating flight mode on cell phones during takeoff and landing is not just a request from flight attendants, but it is also a necessary safety measure for air navigation and communication. Following this simple request can help prevent electromagnetic interference and ensure the safe landing of the aircraft. So, the next time you are flying, remember to activate flight mode on your cell phone and enjoy your flight without any interruptions.

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Airplane Mode





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