Italy bans ChatGPT!

Italian authorities announced on Friday a ban on the use of chatGPT, noting that the decision came due to the program's failure to respect legislation on personal data, and the lack of a system to verify the age of underage users. Italy's National Authority for the Protection of Personal Data said in a statement that the decision would lead to a "temporary restriction of the ability of Italian users to process the data" of OpenAI, the company that created ChatGPT.
The National Authority added that this action comes after it received complaints from users about the robot's failure to respect legislation on the protection of personal data and the lack of a mechanism to verify the age of minor users.
Under this new decision, OpenAI must disable ChatGPT in Italy and no longer be able to use it in the future, in order to meet the requirements of Italian law in this regard.
ChatGPT is a modern technology in the field of artificial intelligence that is used in the creation of chatbots that aims to improve the user experience in communicating with automated systems. This robot was first launched in 2020 and has been widely popular among users around the world.
The Italian authority stated that on March 20, ChatGPT suffered a data breach, which led to the loss of user data and payment information of subscribers to the paid service. The Authority considered that this decision comes due to the absence of an information note for users, and the lack of a legal basis justifying the collection and storage of personal data for the purpose of training the platform's operating algorithms.
The chatbot, initially intended for users over the age of 13, does not contain tools to check the age of users, exposing children to answers that may not be appropriate for their level of development, the authority added.
The authority asked OpenAI to inform it within 20 days of the measures taken to address the situation, under penalty of up to 20 million euros or up to 4 percent of annual global sales volume.
Earlier this week, Europol warned of the risk of criminals using the ChatGPT artificial intelligence platform in fraud or cybercrime, while Elon Musk and hundreds of global experts called for stopping the development of artificial intelligence programs stronger than ChatGPT4, pointing to the great risks that these programs carry from great risks to humanity.
#ChatGPT #Italy #OpenAI
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